SAP Hybris Online Training

SAP Anywhere eCommerce is part of the Cloud Elements Ecommerce Hub, a uniform API for connecting to leading cloud commerce services:










SAP Anywhere


Track stores, orders, products, etc., on any cloud services you use.

Easily connect SAP Anywhere to CRM, Help Desk, Finance and Marketing via our predefined and uniform APIs.

SAP Hybris is a complete customer engagement and multichannel e-commerce solution with fully integrated tools and capabilities. It serves B2B and B2C brands in sectors such as financial services, telecommunications, insurance, media, manufacturing, retail and wholesale.

SAP is using Hybris as a general term to address a large market segment called Customer Engagement Management or Custom Experience Management. Hybris is a brand like SAP, not a solution in itself. It is not a single product like ERP or CRM with a set of capabilities tightly integrated with each other as a single unit.

SAP Hybris solutions and products are designed with customer-centric, data-centric features that enhance information flow, workflow timelines, process performance, and customer relationships. There are many features that are beneficial to automation and the digital transformation they bring to the business.

For all companies with a huge customer base, it is difficult to interact with customers if only one platform is used. With Omni-Channel B2B and B2C interactions, organizations can deliver the customer’s desired solutions across multiple marketing platforms. Customers simply do not stay as end users, but they become part of the process, from data collection to merchandising.

SAP Hybris Marketing is one of the key modules of the Hybris product suite, which aims to recruit customers to e-commerce websites by creating dynamic profiles and offering an exceptional real-time shopping experience. This translates into an increase in the conversion rate and builds customer loyalty.

Hybris Marketing enables contextual marketing in real time. Engage customers, delight them, and cultivate brand marketing relationships with an audience of one. Traditional marketing campaigns fail to engage the individual customer. It lacks basic knowledge about the desires and needs of the client and sends indiscriminate messages to the masses.

Hybris Marketing enables marketers to develop a better understanding of customers; to know what they have done, what they can do, and especially what they are doing now. Get real-time information about each customer’s context and leverage that knowledge to deliver highly personalized customer experiences across all channels.

The Data Hub for SAP Hybris Commerce is a simple, extensible and scalable data integration mastering solution. It serves as a key point of integration between multiple sources and targets systems in the SAP Hybris Commerce domain.

The Data Hub is a standard service-oriented database integration solution, designed to remove obstacles associated with importing and handling large amounts of The data. It provides a single view of all your data integration needs so you can create business strategies based on experience with accurate and consistent basic data at the heart without slow down the business with partial information.

SAP Hybris sales products respond to the ever-changing dynamics of digital enterprise workflows and customer engagements. Customers are looking for real-time interactions and data processing and go beyond passive engagement. SAP Hybris sales products are cloud-based with an integrated CRM framework. They recover customer data through algorithms and provide it to the front-line sales team who can use that data to generate leads and leads.

The robust and modular SAP Hybris Commerce platform is designed to handle large volumes of traffic and orders. It is flexible and scalable, so you can quickly add new components to the platform as your needs change and your business grows. And because technology is based on standards, its administration is simple and profitable.

SAP Hybris Training Objectives

Fundamental concepts of Hybris software.

Create your own Hybris implementations built on the Hybris platform by joining SAP HYBRIS Training.

Understand what Hybris offers out of the box, how and what you can extend on a functional level.

How to configure Hybris Data Hub and Hybris Platform.

Join SAP HYBRIS Training to learn how to use B2B asynchronous scenario to create a command.

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SAP HYBRIS-eCommerce

Data-Hub Hybris Integration

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Sap Hybris training course

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